Lesson: Spider Webs
Art Theory: Textiles/ Mixed Media
Throughout the week the kids learned to love spiders. They learned so much about them they would not stop spouting off spider facts! On Friday, we got to combine science with art. Using a paper plate, yarn and tape the kids made their very own spiderwebs.
It took quite a bit of prep work to cut out the middle of the plate and hole punch the sides so they could string their webs. However, it took the students very little time to spin their webs. I was shocked and a little disappointed. That day I learned that as a teacher you should always have a back up plan. Thankfully the kids were very interested in drawing and cutting out spiders for their webs.
As I talked to Ms. Fenn about this problem she says it never changes. There are times when she thinks an activity will only take 20 minutes and it ends up taking about an hour! And the opposite will happen when that hour long activity only lasts 20 minutes. She gave me tips that book that go with what is being learned is a great way to use extra time productively. So, if you have any book recommendations, please, send them my way.
Here are some of their webs: